Eden Roc Miami Beach Hotel
Eden Roc Miami Beach Hotel, 4525 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33140, US

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Tue Nov 28 EST - Fri Dec 1 EST (about 7 years ago)
Location Eden Roc Miami Beach Hotel
4525 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33140, US
Region Americas

Our largest event is even better year after year!
Our largest IMTC Conference made its home in Miami, which offers people from, North America, Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, an attractive and inexpensive travel destination, given our attendees the chance to participate in the event and enjoy the city, the night life, the great restaurants, the ocean… and the shopping! We are seeing more and more attendees from the Middle East, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. IMTC WORLD gathers +400 participants from close to 50 countries and is the largest gathering of the industry in the world

Remittance Service Providers from North, Central, South America, the Caribbean & Europe!
We expect in the international money transfer industry, Bank and NBFIs, large & small, traditional or disruptive to come to Miami in November. There are no surprises for companies that participate or sponsor IMTC WORLD. The number of potential partnerships, colleagues to meet, issues to learn or discuss, new leads, has always made us proud of the hard work that goes into building such a magnificent event. Newcomers to IMTC WORLD become fascinated by the intensity of the networking that takes place in this event. And our IMTC Team works diligently in helping everyone meet and find the person, the company or the service they are looking for. Sponsor at IMTC WORLD. It will be 2017’s best decision!


2017 Speakers:

Greta Geankoplis
Lifelong Emerging technology champion

Daniel Trias
Consultant, specializing in banking, finance and foreign trade, for over 25 years.

Salvador Velazquez
BNP Paribas-Belgique and Scotiabank in Mexico

Laura Goldzung
President and Founder of AML Audit Services, LLC,

Zory Muñoz
Expert on Compliance Enhance Due Diligence “EDD” and Correspondent Compliance Examinations

Andrew S Ittleman
Founder and Partner of Fuerst Ittleman David Joseph, PL in Miami, FL

Connie Fenchel
President of AML Experts, Inc.

Hugo Cuevas-Mohr
President and CEO of Mohr World Consulting (MWC) based in Miami

Sponsors & Partners

2017 Sponsors and Exhibitors:

• TransferTo
• Tranglo
• more
• Dade2
• UniTeller
• Contact
• Fuers Ittleman David & Joseph PL
• AMLexpert
• IDPay
• AmLaudit Services
• Mohr World
• Stratus
• DT