TBA, Boston, MA

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Event Date Wed Jul 13 EDT (about 2 years ago)
Location TBA
Boston, MA
Region Americas

According to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, “The Financial Services Sector represents a vital component of our nation's critical infrastructure.” Consumer and regulator tolerance for banking service disruptions is near zero. However, banks have been impacted by recent natural disasters, and an increase in the number of cyberattacks demonstrates the wide range of potential risks facing institutions. Improving business resilience must be a top priority not just to retain a competitive edge, but to stay in business.

This forum offers a valuable opportunity to meet and discuss these challenges with your peers, and to identify best practices that you can leverage at your institution to mature your programs. Such as (1) Business Resilience (BR), or the ability to continue services without disruption; (2) Business Continuity (BC), or business/process recovery, and Disaster Recovery (DR), or datacenter failover and/or technical recovery; and (3) Incident Response (IR)/Crisis Management (CM), or the ability for the enterprise to effectively respond to a rapidly deteriorating situation. This forum may cover business, technical/data, and physical frameworks, concepts, and controls.

A unique feature of RMA’s Roundtables and Forums is that each event agenda is a bit different, as the agenda is driven by attendee’s recommendations. However, topics will likely include:
• Leading practices to capture and effectively use business impact analysis (BIA) data, especially as it relates to other risk and control assessments.
• Successful implementation techniques of Business Continuity Coordinators (BCCs): purpose, benefits, and recognition.
• Overcoming challenges with emerging business continuity management system (BCMS) and emergency notification systems (ENS).
• BR/BC/DR/IR/CM training and development opportunities for accountable staff and throughout the enterprise.
• Managing reputational risk through effective crisis communications.
• Managing human impacts from sensitive or triggering events
• Effective governance and oversight of the BR/BC/DR/IR/CM program(s).

This discussion group will be overseen by RMA staff with expertise and experience in risk management, business resilience, and crisis management. Each agenda item will feature a lead facilitator, usually a volunteer from the attendees. Participants share information, ask questions, and exchange ideas in a roundtable environment, to broaden their knowledge and acquire a firm understanding of the issues.