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Event Date Wed May 18 UTC (about 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue May 17 8:00pm - Tue May 17 8:00pm
Location Webinar
Region All

Join the webinar as discusses the dynamics creating inflation, how to measure if it has become a longer-term risk, how Fed policy to address inflation may impact portfolios and how to think about selecting assets to construct a relevant diversified portfolio that reflect the risk environment in which we live.

Inflation is here, but is it here to stay? This is the critical question because the answer will have great impact on how we construct investment portfolios, how one evaluates the assets selected and how to balance the risks. Many draw parallels to the last period of high inflation from the 1970, and while some are valid, there are many unique differences today. Like any financial market risk, you cannot manage what you cannot measure.


2022 Speaker


Jim Caron
Managing Director, Morgan Stanley