Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Wed May 22 UTC - Fri May 24 UTC (10 months ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue May 21 8:00pm - Thu May 23 8:00pm |
Location |
Region | All |
Software developers, business leaders, startuppers, investors, marketers, and enthusiast of technology gather in Gdańsk to learn and get inspired at this celebration of the digital world. Every year we bring together thousands of people looking for a platform to connect and evolve, which makes of this conference the biggest tech and startup event in CEE.
2023 Past Speakers
Aashima Ahuja
Freelance Consultant, Amsterdam
Benedict Evans
New things, Independent analyst
Phaedra Boinodiris
IBM Consulting's Global Leader for Trustworthy AI, Ibm
Serg Masís
Data Scientist | Interpretable Machine Learning, Syngenta
Hashem Al-ghaili
Science Nature Page
Michael Lynn
Principal Developer Advocate, Mongodb
Bartek Pucek
CEO, Forward Operators
Mathis Hammel
Tech Evangelist , Codingame
Zachary Goldberg
Ethics Innovation Manager, Trilateral Research
Reza Rahman
Globally Recognized Java Technologist, Leader, Author, Speaker, Microsoft
Nico Schoenenberger
Early Stage Investor, 10x Founders
Kris Jenkins
Confluent Inc.
Nikolay Advolodkin
Dev Advocate, Sauce Labs
James Rogers
Sdu / Cornell
Krzysztof Kudrynski
Associate Professor, Nvidia
Pawel Czech
Building the AI-Native Economy
Matteo Rizzi
Co-Founder, Fts Group
David Pilato
Developer, Elastic
Anton Arhipov
Developer Advocate in Kotlin team, Jetbrains
Esat Acar
Vice President, 500 Emerging Europe
Gerrit Grunwald
Principal Engineer, Azul
Jakub Biel
Tomasz Nurkiewicz
Java Champion, Devskiller
Remco Veenenberg
Partner, The Connector
Piotr Bucki
Paweł Sala
CEO & co-founder FreshMai
Artur Kurasinski
Wojtek Jurojc
Mental Health Specialist & Business Development Veteran, Self Learning Solutions
Vadym Kazulkin
Ip.labs, Bonn, Germany
Krzysztof Domaradzki
Dziennikarz, Forbes
Nicolas Fränkel
Apache Apisix
Maciej Filipkowski
Podcaster, Mentor, Audycja Zaprojektuj Swoje Życie
Wojciech Mroz
Impactangels.pl & Ashoka.org
Ben Greeven
HR Tech Advisor & Founder, Xllr8hr