Budapest Marriott Hotel
Budapest Marriott Hotel, Budapest, Apáczai Csere János u. 4, 1052 Hungary

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Event Date Fri Nov 15 EET (about 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Fri Nov 15 1:30am - Fri Nov 15 9:00am
Location Budapest Marriott Hotel
Budapest, Apáczai Csere János u. 4, 1052 Hungary
Region EMEA

The event will cover themes such as the role of central banks in managing climate risks, emerging prospects of credit institutions in green lending and new types of environmentally and socially responsible investment opportunities.

The conference will be opened by György Matolcsy, Governor of the MNB, and concluded by Mattia Romani, EBRD Managing Director, Economics, Policy and Governance. Speakers will include representatives of international banks, fund, academics and institutions.

Prior to the conference a seminar for the region’s central banks and supervisory authorities under the guidance of the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)


2019 Speakers

György Matolcsy
Governor, MNB

Irene Heemskerk
Secretary, NGFS

Csaba Kandrács
Head of Department, MNB

Chris Perceval
Director, Head of Business Development at Trucost, part of S&P Global

Christine Würfel
Head of Group Regulatory Transparency, Raiffeisen Bank International AG

Nancy Saich
TEG Member, Senior Technical Advisor, Climate Change & Environment, European Investment Bank

Luca Leoncini Bartoli
Head of Corporate & SME Banking, Intesa Sanpaolo Group

Cecile Moitry
Head of Sustainable Finance team, BNP Paribas

Simone Dettling
Lead, UNEP FI Banking Programme

Wang Yao
Director General, International Institute of Green Finance

Theresa Lober
Head of Climate Strategy, Bank of England

Mattia Romani
Managing Director, EBRD

Sergei Strigo
Portfolio Manager, Amundi Planet Emerging Green One

Dana Kupova
Associate Director, EBRD

Agnieszka Zdziennicka
PKO Bank Hipoteczny, Geen covered bonds

Mattia Romani
Managing Director, Economics, Policy and Governance, EBRD