London Stock Exchange
London Stock Exchange, Virtual Classroom

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Event Date Thu Jul 9 BST - Fri Jul 10 BST (over 4 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Thu Jul 9 2:00pm - Fri Jul 10 2:00pm
Location London Stock Exchange
Virtual Classroom
Region EMEA

The aim of the course is to provide a practical view of what the investment community expects and how you as the face of the company can influence this. The programme offers a wealth of practical tips, real life case studies and industry expert speakers.

This course is the perfect follow up to our IR Fundamentals course, for those professionals and practitioners that want a more advanced understanding of IR best practices.

Why attend?

In addition to the update on reporting and disclosure practice, Industry best practices and changes, there are several key outcomes that you can expect from this course;

• Learn how to develop a focused IR strategy based on analysis of your current situation
• Understand what drives investors investment rationale and how to use this to enhance your company’s equity story and value
• Learn what analysts expect from you and how best to engage with them
• Understand the industry changes and anticipate what this will mean for you
• Appreciate how IR can support the board and its governance process
• Benchmark your own IR practices against industry standards
• Learn how to get the best from your IR toolkit

Who should attend?

This one-day course has been designed to appeal to the following professionals:
• IR Professionals
• Communication and PR Directors of listed and listing companies
• Seasoned PR and IR consultants
• Capital markets practitioners

Key takeaways
• A full copy of the course materials and examples
• Additional briefing papers covering regulations, best practices and other subjects that will serve as a reference guide and support your overall learning from the course
• Overall framework and detailed practical tips for developing your IR programmeLearn how to develop a focused IR strategy based on analysis of your current situation


2020 Speaker

Diane Faulks
Former Chairman, UK’s Investor Relations Society