Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date | Sun Oct 20 EDT - Wed Oct 23 EDT (over 5 years ago) |
Location |
Coral Beach Hotel
Blvd. Kukulcan km. 9.5, Punta Cancun, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico |
Region | Americas |
Get energized at the region’s premier event for leaders in the insurance, investment and financial services industry. Connect with more than 1,500 field leaders and industry executives for two days of exchange on topics ranging from business strategy, recruiting and retention, performance coaching to sales and marketing. See you there!
2019 Speakers
Bonnie Godsman
Frank Scalese
Sina Azari
Adolfo Diaz Lopez
Teresa del Toro Curiel
Arnoldo de la Rocha
Lic. Enrique de la Madrid
Luisa Fernanda Jaramillo
Alejandro Salvador Julian De la Garza
Maria del Socorro Cerrillo Limon