Hotel Park Plaza
Hotel Park Plaza, Damrak 1-5 Amsterdam 1012 LG Netherlands

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Event Date Thu Nov 16 GMT - Fri Nov 17 GMT (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Thu Nov 16 12:00am - Fri Nov 17 12:00am
Location Hotel Park Plaza
Damrak 1-5 Amsterdam 1012 LG Netherlands
Region EMEA

EuroEvents is pleased to invite you to the conference of life insurance and pensions, which will take place on the 16th-17th November 2017 in Amsterdam.

The event will bring together the leaders and the industry experts, to provide you with information on the latest trends and development in life and pensions product design,the customer retention and also how to make the most of the disruption happening in the industry and how to stay safe from risks with newest methodologies in security and management. This event will also uncover the secrets and potential of the emerging technologies and their impact on the future of the industry.


2017 Speakers:

Bjorn Bierhaalder
Owner & Co-Founder, MCH Consultancy

Onno Bloemers
Partner Insurance, Delta Capital

Nicholas Michellod
Senior Analyst, Celent

Karl Grandl
Chief Insurance Officer, GetSafe Insurance

Ansgar Lurwer
Retirement Products & Innovations, AXA Group AG

Henry H. Tapper
Business Development Director, First Actuarial LLP

Mike Mansfield
Manager Retirement Research, Ageon

Clive Bolton
Pension & Retirement Expert, The International Longevity Center

Rene Priess
Senior Strategy Manager, Generali

Eva Jasiecka
InsurTech expert & owner, PlantInn

Marco Giovannini
Chief Financial Officer, generali Vitality

Stefan Kolle
Partner and Founder, Futurelab

Jaap Wilms
Owner Wilms 'n zo NPS Programme Management, Wilms 'n zo

Theo Lutgendorff
Account Director Life, Accident, Heakth & Income, Aon Benfield

Olga Ruf-Fiedler
Resposible for Pensions & Savings, The Dow Chemical Company

Ali Zouiten
Head of Investments for Product Development, HSBC

Surinder Raju
insurance & Financial Services Transformation Managing Consultant, Capgemini Consulting

Lukas Alijosius
Business Area Manager, Luminor

Lex Van Delden
Scientific Staff, Leyden Academy on Vitality & Ageing

Glenn Lottering
Senior Director- Insurance EMEA and JAPAC, Oracle