Radisson Blu
Radisson Blu, 9-13 Bloomsbury St, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3QD, UK

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Event Date Wed Jun 26 BST (over 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Jun 26 3:30am - Wed Jun 26 11:55am
Location Radisson Blu
9-13 Bloomsbury St, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3QD, UK
Region EMEA

Over a decade after the financial crisis, liquidity and funding risk is still one of the most rapidly changing fields in banking. The growing regulatory agenda has significant implications for management practices and product pricing.The objective of Liquidity & Funding Risk is to keep delegates in step with the latest developments in supervision, regulation and industry practice. Throughout, the conference will provide a forward-looking perspective, helping practitioners benchmark and improve their asset and liability management strategies and prepare for key challenges.

Key Themes for 2019:
• Liquidity stress testing and scenario analysis
• Implementing a robust intraday liquidity management framework
• Managing the financial risks for banks posed by climate change
• Liquidity and resolution funding - How to build the operational capabilities expected by the regulator
• STS and the future of securitization as a funding tool in Europe
• TLAC and MREL – Impact of bail in rules on funding strategies
• Advances in liquidity modelling – Aims, requirements and best practices
• Solving the $350 trillion problem - A liquidity risk perspective on the Libor transition


2019 Speakers

Victoria Saporta
Executive Director, Prudential Policy, Bank of England

Damian Harland
Global Head of Liquidity Risk Management, HSBC

Adrian Docherty
Managing Director, Bank Advisory, BNP Paribas

Dmitry Shibaev
Head of Stress Testing, NatWest Markets N.V.

Meryl Harland
Head of DBAG Structural Optimisation, Treasury, Deutsche Bank

Sanja Hukovic
Head of Model Risk Management, London Stock Exchange

Dimitris Papathanasiou
Head of EMEA Treasury and Liquidity Risk, Credit Suisse

Naji Freiha
Managing Director, Head of Integrated Risk Management, Dexia

Bill Powell
Head of Liquidity Risk, Santander UK

Krishan Hirani
Head of Secured Funding, Treasury, Nationwide

Seb Smodis
Global head of Liquidity Risk Management, State Street Global Advisors

Christian Hasenclever
Head of Strategic ALM, Norddeutsche Landesbank

Thomas Becker
Director, Treasury CIO, Deutsche Bank

Thomas Ribarits
Head of Financial Risk Department, European Investment Bank

Sidhartha Dash
Research Director, Chartis

Robert McWilliam
Managing Director, Financial Markets, ING Bank

Philip Alexander
Regulation Editor,

Jacek Rzeźnik
Deputy Director, Balance Sheet Risk Management, mBank

Ravi Savur
Former Managing Director, Head of Market Risk Portfolio Metrics, Citi

Erik Parker
Head, EMEA ABS Strategy, Nomura International Plc