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Event Date | Tue Feb 16 EST - Thu Feb 18 EST (about 4 years ago) |
Location | Live Virtual |
Region | All |
This online course will provide attendees with a practical understanding of machine learning applications by exploring key theories, models and more advanced tools in machine learning solutions.
Delivered through engaging 60-minute sessions this course will feature examples of the practical applications of machine learning which can help you to extract real value from this technology to meet your business objectives.
The course will be led by subject matter expert Jesus Calderon; featuring in-depth and interactive presentations covering topics such as neural nets, deep learning, reinforcement learning and explainability.
There will be opportunities throughout the course to receive guidance on your specific learning objectives from the course tutor and engage in discussion with other attendees.
What will you learn?
• Gain a comprehensive introduction to machine learning models, their applications in finance and regulatory implications
• Receive guidance to develop a robust roadmap for implementing machine learning models
• Understand how to achieve explainability in machine learning
• In-depth insights into neural nets and deep learning
• Gain a thorough understanding of unsupervised methods and reinforcement learning
• Understand the challenges of anomaly detection
Who should attend?
• Relevant departments may include but are not limited to:
• Quantitative finance
• Derivative pricing
• Model risk
• Model validation
• Regulators and compliance
• Data science
Sessions include:
• Introduction to machine learning and financial applications
• Supervised learning models
• Applying ML methods in risk management
• Neural nets and deep learning
• Unsupervised methods and reinforcement learning
• Anomaly detection
• Explainability in machine learning
• Regulatory implications of machine learning
• Implementing ML models: a roadmap
Pricing options
• We offer flexible pricing options for this course:
• Early bird rates - save up to $500
• Group booking rate - save over $1500
• Subscribe to receive Risk Training updates and avoid missing out on additional savings