Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date | Wed Feb 28 EST (about 1 year ago) |
Location |
IBA Center for Professional Development
8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd, Suite 155E, Indianapolis, IN 46240, USA |
Region | Americas |
This Forum will provide a platform and opportunity for Marketing and Retail staff to exchange ideas freely, dissect problems and discuss important issues with peers. You do not want to miss this opportunity!
Benefits of the Forum...
• Improve your effectiveness as Marketing Director in the banking sector
• Discuss current industry trends and challenges experienced by other marketing professionals
• Review a wide-range of developments that affect bank marketing: strategies, tactics and results
• Identify and discuss ways to “do more with less” given budget and staff pressures
• Obtain access to highly respected industry experts
• Grow professionally as well as personally
• Discuss with peers what works and what doesn’t
How the Forum Works...
• IBA will organize the forum based on bank size and market to ensure that participants have as much in common as possible without being competitors
• The group will be small - no more than 15 participants
• The Forum will meet three times during the year
• Eight to 10 topics will be discussed at each session; participants are strongly encouraged to suggest agenda topics of interest
• Forum participants get the benefit of working with expert consultants on a cost-saving basis
• A binder based on Forum topics is compiled for each group member
2024 Speaker
Eric Cook
Recovering Banker