Grange Tower Bridge Hotel
Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, 45 Prescot St, London E1 8GP, UK

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Event Date Mon Oct 29 GMT - Tue Oct 30 GMT (about 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Oct 29 12:00am - Tue Oct 30 12:00am
Location Grange Tower Bridge Hotel
45 Prescot St, London E1 8GP, UK
Region EMEA

With contributions from the IASB and PwC, stay up to date with the latest regulatory and accounting developments.
Hear from standard setters, regulators, investors and your peers, giving you the tools, knowledge and information to stay ahead of the curve.


2018 Speakers:

Dave Walters
Partner, Accounting Consulting Services Group,PwC

Andrea Allocco
Partner, Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Nick Anderson
Board Member, IASB

Andre Besson
Global Head of Accounting Policy and IFRS Technical Research, Nestlé

Roland Bosch
Engagement Hermes, EOS

Patrina Buchanan
Associate Director, IASB

Wayne Carnall
Partner, National Professional Services Group, PwC US

Kathryn Donkersley
Senior Manager, IASB

Joyce Grant
Technical Accounting Director, Conduct Division, Financial Reporting Council

Alex Griffiths
Group Credit Officer, Global Corporates, Fitch Ratings

Jenny Harper
Partner, Capital Markets, Accounting Advisory and Structuring Services, PwC

Debbie Hill
Head of Risk Management, Unilever

Sarah Hitchen
Director, Capital Markets, Accounting Advisory and Structuring Services, PwC

Peter Hogarth
Partner, Accounting Consulting Services Group,PwC

Hans Hoogervorst
Chair, IASB

Arthur Hughes-Hallett
Lead, FS Disruption Practice, PwC

Elliott Malone
Disruption Lead, Deals Practice, PwC

Rob McCargow
Artificial Intelligence Programme Leader, PwC

Chris Nobes
Professor, University of London, University of Sydney

Mark O'Sullivan
Head of Corporate Reporting and Governance, PwC

Atul Patel
Director, PwC

Ruth Preedy
Director - AI & IFRS Accounting, PwC

Andrea Pryde
Associate Technical Director, IASB

Mark Randall
IFRS specialist and UK Banking lead, Accounting Consulting Services, PwC

Henry Rees
Director, Implementation and Adoption Activities, IASB

Dr Andrew Sentance CBE
Senior Economic Advisor, PwC

Joga Singh
UK Head of Capital Markets, Accounting Advisory and Structuring Services, PwC

Jay Tahtah
Partner - Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services (CMAAS), PwC NL

Sandra Thompson
Partner, Global Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Gail Tucker
Partner, IFRS Global Insurance Technical Lead, PwC

Jef van Oosterbos
Director Global Commercial Operations, LeasePlan

Daan van Veen
Project Manager, Shell

Anna Wallace
Director of Political Relations, PwC

Mark Wardell
Director - Capital Markets, Accounting Advisory and Structuring Services, PwC

Hugo Warner
Senior Consultant, Disruption Practice, PwC

​Andrew Watchman
CEO and TEG Chairman, EFRAG

Andrew Wiggins
Partner, Tax, PwC

Katie Woods
Director, PwC

2017 Speakers:

Andrea Pryde
Associate Technical Director, IASB

​Andrew Watchman
CEO and TEG Chairman, EFRAG

John Hitchins
Deputy Chair, FRRP

Chris Nobes
Professor, University of London, University of Sydney

Dave Walters
Partner, Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Wayne Carnall
Partner, National Professional Services Group, PwC US

Peter Hogarth
Partner, Accounting Consulting Services Group,PwC

Dr Andrew Sentance CBE
Senior Economic Advisor, PwC

Neil Sherlock
Partner, Head of Reputational Strategy, PwC

Jay Tahtah
Partner - Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services (CMAAS), PwC NL

Jessica Taurae
Partner, Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Sandra Thompson
Partner, Global Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Gail Tucker
Partner, IFRS Global Insurance Technical Lead, PwC

Andrew Wiggins
Partner, Tax, PwC

Kathryn Donkersley
Senior Manager, IASB

Françoise Flores
Board Member, IASB

Hans Hoogervorst
Chairman, IASB

Leo Johnson
Partner, Sustainability & Climate Change, PwC

Darrel Scott
Board Member, IASB

Dr Richard Horne
Partner, Cyber Security, PwC

Ben Peters
Fund Manager & CEO, Evenlode

Mark Randall
IFRS specialist and UK Banking lead, Accounting Consulting Services, PwC

Andrea Allocco
Partner, Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Glen Suarez
Deputy CEO and Director of Investments, Knight Vinke

Jenifer Minke-Girard
Interim Deputy Chief Accountant - International, Office of the Chief Accountant, U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission

David Schmid
IFRS & US Standard Setting Leader, National Professional Services Group, PwC

Andre Besson
Global Head of Accounting Policy and IFRS Technical Research, Nestlé

Sue Harding
Managing Director, Citi Investment Research

Stuart Jennings
Managing Director, Fitch Ratings

Tony Debell
Partner, Global Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Mary Dolson
Partner, Global Accounting Consulting Services Group, PwC

Nick Anderson
Member, IASB

Hemione Hudson
Head of Assurance, PwC

Anna Wallace
Director of Political Relations, PwC

Mark O'Sullivan
Head of Corporate Reporting and Governance, PwC

Alex Griffiths
Group Credit Officer, Global Corporates, Fitch Ratings

Jas Sidhu
Disruptive Innovation Lead, PwC

Daan van Veen
Project Manager, IFRS 16, Shell

Joga Singh
UK Head of Capital Markets, Accounting Advisory and Structuring Services, United Kingdom

Rob McCargow
Artificial Intelligence Programme Leader, PwC

Sponsors & Partners

2018 Sponsors:

• PwC
• IFRS Foundation