Jones Day
Jones Day, 51 Louisiana Avenue NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20001 USA

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Event Date Wed Nov 13 EST (about 5 years ago)
Location Jones Day
51 Louisiana Avenue NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20001 USA
Region Americas

The American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (AARMR) and CSBS will host a summit to bring together policymakers, regulators and the industry to elevate the discussion around mortgage policy. The summit event will include keynote presentations and panels representing viewpoints on mortgage policy at the national level. Invited speakers include members of Congress, federal agency leadership, industry leaders, consumer advocates, state regulators and other policy stakeholders.


2019 Speakers

Charlie Clark
Director, Washington State Department of Financial Institutions and President, AARMR

Mark Calabria
Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency

Robert D. Broeksmit, CMB
President & CEO, Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)

Edward Pinto
Director, AEI Housing Center at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

Eric Stein
SVP, Self-Help/Center for Responsible Learning (CRL)

Lisa Ledbetter
Partner, Jones Day

Faith Schwartz
President, Housing Finance Strategies

Robin Wiessmann
Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities

Laurie Goodman
Vice President, Housing Finance Policy, Urban Institute

Maren Kasper
Acting President, Ginnie Mae

Susan Wachter
Albert Sussman Professor of Real Estate, Professor of Finance, The Wharton School, University of

Eric Kaplan
Director, Housing Finance Program, Milken Institute/Center for Financial Markets

Nancy Wallace
Professor & Chair of Real Estate Group, University of California, Berkeley

Paul Muolo
Editor, Inside Mortgage Finance

Bret Afdahl
Commissioner, South Dakota Division of Banking and Chairman, CSBS

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Sponsors