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Event Date |
Mon Feb 15 CST - Thu Feb 18 CST (about 4 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Feb 15 6:00am - Thu Feb 18 6:00pm |
Location |
Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center
1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051, United States |
Region | Americas |
MBA’s National Mortgage Servicing Conference & Expo is THE event for servicers. Every year, thousands of servicers of all backgrounds value this conference for the opportunities it provides to share information, connect with industry peers and discover new solutions for their organizations.
With fewer compliance challenges emerging, this is an opportunity for servicers to be proactive. Find cost savings, operational efficiencies and structural improvements that you can bring back to run a tight ship. You need to know where the industry is headed and what’s next for servicers so you can be ready and ahead of the curve. Get ready to automate, innovate and operate for a promising tomorrow.
Information, connections and solutions. This is a conference for servicers who want to learn and who value servicer-to-servicer engagement.
All residential mortgage loan servicers, regardless of size and model type, should attend including: senior management, servicing managers and staff, default managers, customer service managers, attorneys, service providers and other vendors to the servicing industry.