Silicon Slopes
Silicon Slopes, 2600 Executive Pkwy #140, Lehi, UT 84043, USA

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Event Date Wed Apr 19 CDT (almost 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Apr 19 1:00am - Wed Apr 19 1:00am
Location Silicon Slopes
2600 Executive Pkwy #140, Lehi, UT 84043, USA
Region Americas

This event discussion is the most frequently asked questions and hot topics related to broker-dealer regulatory considerations in connection with private offerings of securities, including the following:

• Activities and compensation structures that may trigger broker-dealer registration
• Risks and consequences of using, or acting as, an unregistered broker-dealer
• Exemptions from broker-dealer registration, including “Issuer Exemption” and “M&A Brokers”
• Special situations, including “Finders”
• Use of Digital Engagement Practices in connection with offerings, including social media


2023 Speakers

Steffen Hemmerich
Partner, New York office of Mayer Brown

Jim Kelly
Partner, Mayer Brown’s Salt Lake City office