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Event Date |
Tue Nov 21 GMT (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Nov 21 12:00am - Tue Nov 21 12:00am |
Location |
Financial Times Headquarters
One Southwark Bridge London SE1 9HL United Kingdom |
Region | EMEA |
The rise of digital innovation has led to a shake-up of entire businesses. Every single function – be it front, middle or back office is undergoing some form of digital transformation. Financial services are set to become increasingly technology-driven. To achieve this, they must keep pace with digital trends and adopt new technologies to stay ahead of the curve. How can financial institutions apply innovation across their businesses and ensure that all core departments embrace digital transformation, enhancing operational efficiency? How can they overcome the challenges faced in moving to the cloud? Which new technologies – predictive analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain – are financial services adopting and how are they being practically applied? What opportunities will further collaboration between banks and fintechs create?
This confidential editorial dinner, hosted by The Banker in partnership with SAP, will gather Heads of Innovation, Change and Transformation to share their experiences in adopting new technologies to improve business operations. They will discuss the extent to which they are embracing digital technology, how far innovation has increased their competitiveness, as well as best practice strategies for combatting challenges along the way.
2017 Speaker
Joy Macknight
Deputy Editor
The Banker
2017 Sponsors