Virtual Event

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Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Mon Mar 15 MDT - Thu Mar 25 MDT (almost 4 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Mar 15 12:30pm - Thu Mar 25 5:30pm
Location Virtual Event
Region Americas

This March, during our third virtual conference, we explore the theme of foundations. Not the foundations that have led us to where we are, but the building blocks for where we're going, as an economy, with a financial system, that supports our real estate market and our roles as investors and investment fiduciaries.

In addition to our commitee meetings, foundational to our organization both past and future, this March we strive to educate on ESG (Environment, Social and Governance), becoming more and more important to the world we both live and invest in. We look ahead to a new foundational interest rate, as Libor fades away, and we explore where we are in the cycle, to understand the underpinnings of our economic and real estate market recoveries.

During our conference, we will also dive into several property types. We expect to virtually tour a Data Center, which is quickly becoming a favored sub-type and foundational to the ability for all of us to get our work done. Our Housing session will feature an emphasis on single-family rentals, the newest addition to some portfolios, and finally, we are very excited to host our first ever session jointly planned by our Farmland and Timberland experts. Please join us!


2021 Speakers

Neal Armstrong
Director, BNY Mellon

James O’Keefe
UBS and NCREIF Ambassador

Benay Kirk
Managing Director, Alter Domus