New York Marriott Downtown
New York Marriott Downtown, 85 West St, New York, NY 10006, USA

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Event Date Thu Oct 19 EDT - Fri Oct 20 EDT (over 7 years ago)
Location New York Marriott Downtown
85 West St, New York, NY 10006, USA
Region Americas

A walkthrough of ERM processes leading up to and during the financial crisis and how the function has evolved, hear practical examples, case studies and experiences from the course leader alongside interactive group activities to provide an in depth understanding of the objectives, processes and requirements for an effective ERM framework.


• Conduct & Culture
Managing company culture and conduct and incentivizing behaviour aligned to this

• Lines of Defense
Reviewing the lines of defence in ERM and operational risk to identify and mitigate

• Regulatory Risk and Future Changes
Understanding regulatory risk and the impact of future changes and how institutions can look to prepare

• ERM and Operational Risk
The blurred lines between ERM and operational risk and the importance of operational risk within ERM

• Operational Risk Management
• Setting risk appetite for operational risk
• Reviewing the new scope of operational risk
• Increasing use of quantitative methods

Lines of Defense
• Oversight and responsibilities of lines of defense
• Verification and validation of risk and practices

Fraud and Cyber Security
• A review of Internal and external fraud weaknesses
• Understanding cyber security threat and mitigation practices
• The impact of reputational risk to institution

• Developing RCSA techniques
• Scenario generation for operational risk
• Increasing the Interrelationship with compliance teams


Driving Business
• Using ERM to drive business effectiveness
• Implementing plans for business continuity
• Automating the process to increase efficiency

Stress Testing
• Model risk management and validation
• Utilizing stress testing for better risk identification

• Managing enterprise IT incidents
• Reviewing the future of ERM
• Technology changes impacting ERM

ERM Structure
• Aligning team to increase efficiency
• Governance structure under ERM
• Establishing a clear line of accountability from the top down


2017 Speakers:

Laz Barreiro
Director of Governance and Operational Risk Policy, OCC

Dominique Benz
Director, Mizuho Americas Operational Risk Management Key Risk Officer, Mizuho Americas LLC

Lyndsay Byun
Head of Operational Risk Assurance, Former Santander

Clarice Carotti
Head of Market, Liquidity and Operational Management, Intesa Sanpaolo New York Branch

Ann Caruso
Head of Operational Risk and ERM, SVP, Investors Bank

Richard Cech
Senior Bank Examiner, Operational Risk Governance, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Mark Deluca
SVP, Opus

Pamela Feldstein
Capital Planning and Enterprise Risk Leader, GE Capital

Joel Forbes
MD, Head of Operational Risk Management, NatWest Markets

Hafsteinn Gislason
Head of Enterprise Risk Technology, CIT Bank NA.

Brian Goldman
Head of Enterprise Risk Management, Goldman Sachs

Dov Goldman
VP of Innovation and Alliances, Opus

Keri Gormley
Global Head of Operational Risk Assurance, BNY Mellon

Viktor Grinberg
Head of Compliance and Regulatory Technology US, Deutsche Bank

Scott Gyllensten
Chief Operational Risk Officer, Peoples United Bank

Jean-rodolphe Guis
Director, Risk Management Combined US Operations, BNP Paribas

Abby Hakim
Senior Manager, Data-Driven GRC, ACL

Elaine Hutchinson
Director, Enterprise & Operational Risk Management, MUFG Securities

Deborah Hrvatin
Managing Director, Americas Head of Non-Financial Risk Management, Deutsche Bank

Glenn H. Hursh
Managing Director, KPMG LLP

Ken Jones
Head of Fraud Risk Management and Financial Intelligence Unit, UBS Americas Region, UBS

David Lamar
Managing Director, Scenario Design, BNY Mellon.

Ian Lassonde
ERM Program Manager for Production Services

Sandeep Maira
Head of Enterprise Risk Technology, BNY Mellon.

Greg Maslov
CRO Change, Credit Suisse

Conall McGonagle, COO/ CFO, KBC USA

Christopher Nestore
Head of Operational Risk Management, TD Bank

Candice Nonas
Managing Consultant, RGP

Gus Ortega
Head of Corporate Operational Risk Management, AIG

Richard Pike
CEO, Governor Software

Theresa Reynolds
Director of Operational Risk Management Validation, Capital One

Sachin Sharma
Director, Methodology and Stress Testing, Operational Risk, Bank of Montreal (BMO) Financial

Craig Speilmann
Former Global Head of Enterprise Risk Management Strategy at First Data

Mihir Trivedi
Director for Operational Risk, Nuveen

Vivek Tyagi
MD, Head of Risk Management, Global Transaction Services, Former Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Daniel Ward
Head of CIB US Model Risk Management, BNP Paribas

Azlina Wetmore
Head of Regulatory Risk Management, Governance & Strategic Transformation, Global Markets and Americas, Credit Suisse

Stephen Woitsky
SVP, Operational Risk, Bank of the West

Sponsors & Partners

2017 Sponsors:

• Acl
• Governor
• Opus