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Event Date Mon Mar 22 EDT - Fri Mar 26 EDT (almost 4 years ago)
Location Online
Region All

Whilst business continuity plans have largely held up again the pandemic, regulators and firms alike are grappling to pinpoint how best to achieve and build operational resilience in anticipation for future events. From best practices in scenario planning through to predicting, responding and recovering from the crisis and disruptive events, operational resilience has become the priority of every regulator, op risk director and chief risk officer globally.

Taking seed from over two decades of operational risk expertise in journalism and industry-leading events, OpRisk Global will serve as the only interactive peer-led discussion where firms can actively benchmark, share and gain insights on the following two themes:
• Op Resilience
Gain practical takeaways from the leading international financial firms and regulatory bodies driving best practices
• Top 10 Operational Risks:for 2021
Exclusive content released annually from our renowned editorial team, keep abreast of's top operational risks as identified by our extensive readership


2021 Speakers

Arthur Lindo (Art)
Deputy director for policy, Federal Reserve Board's Division of Supervision and Regulation

Kevin Greenfield
Deputy comptroller for operational risk, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Jayaraj Puthanveedu
MD, cyber & technology risk, global head operational resilience, BNP Paribas

Soon Kit Tham
Enterprise Resilience Officer, BNY Mellon

Penny Cagan
Managing director, MUFG

Nikki Covino
Non financial risk management chief operating officer, Credit Suisse

Mandar Rege
Managing director, operational risk management, technology and cybersecurity, Citi

Nilesh Varu
Group operational resilience, Lloyds Banking Group

Jon Evett
Head of global workplace resilience, executive director, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Mamun Ahmed
Group head of risk resilience, LCH

David Glendinning
Chief risk officer UK, Société Générale

Danny Frost
Chief risk officer, EMEA & APAC regional head of operational risk management, AIG

Rajat Baijal
Managing director, global head of enterprise risk, Cantor Fitzgerald

Joseph Iraci
MD, financial risk management, CRO, lecturer and author, former TD Ameritrade, UBS, BNY Mellon

Richard Cech
Senior bank examiner, operational risk governance, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Jennifer Finnerty
Managing director, PGIM Fixed Income

Paul Huggett
Head of third party sourcing risk profile and governance, Bank of Ireland

Hasintha Gunawickrema
Global head of conduct transformation and third party risk, HSBC

Timothy Carmon, CPA CGMA
Head of enterprise risk and control assessments, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

Vicki Gavin
The Cyber Coach, Cyber Rescue Alliance

Fred Harris
Head of cybersecurity risk, data risk and technology risk, Société Générale

Jörgen Mellberg
Chief information security officer, head of IT & DPO, Sparbanken Syd

Michael Barton
Senior director of quantitative assessments, United Health Group

Ariane Chapelle
Adjunct professor, University College London

Evan Sekeris
Head of model validation, PNC

Lee Webb
Group head of operational resilience, Aviva

Mark Houseago
Head of enterprise resilience, CLS Group

Chris Olson
Board chair and head of operational risk management, MassMutual

Luke Carrivick
Head of analytics and research, ORX

Olga Baldwin
Third party risk management, operational risk management, contract management, Sterling National Bank

Angela Johnson de Wet
Head of risk for IT change and new technologies, conduct, compliance and operational risk, Lloyds Banking Group

Lisa Nowell
Chief risk officer, Ashman Finance

Kai Schrimpf
Global head of transaction monitoring, Credit Suisse

Mark Schnieder, CAMS
Financial crime risk specialist, TransferWise

Tanya Weisleder
Global head conduct risk, Credit Suisse

Igor Sumkovski
Senior manager, financial crime compliance advisory, Santander

Tom Osborn
Editor, risk management,

Stan Yakoff
Head of Americas supervisionCitadel Securities

Michael Kenney
Vice president operational risk asset management and operations multi-family, FreddieMac

Nita Kohli
Head of operational resilience, Freddie Mac

Allison Parent
Executive director, Global Financial Markets Association

Amit Lakhani
Head of operational risk controls for ICT and third party management for corporate and institutional banking, BNP Paribas

Martin Boer
Director of regulatory affairs, The Institute of International Finance (IIF)

David Sirkin
Operational risk and asset management, AIG

Gustavo A. Ortega
Head of technology, innovation and operations risk, Voya Financial

Jeff Simmons
Managing director, head of enterprise risk management EMEA, MUFG

Jay Newberry
Risk management executive and consultant

Sidhartha Dash | Moderator
Research Director, Chartis Research

Yakut Akman
Independent operational risk management consultant, Reference Point

Chris Harner
FRM Managing Director, Milliman

Chris Beck
Executive risk consultant, Milliman

Sophia Kazinnik
Quantitative research, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Eric Lui
Professor, New York University

Jennifer Bisceglie
Chief executive officer & founder, Interos Inc

Bala Ayyar
MD, chief data officer - Americas, Societe Generale

Efe Cummings
Head of Operational Risk, Asia, Nomura

Khang Nie Lee
Singapore Chief Risk Officer, Credit Suisse

Jemy K. Soegiarto
SVP, Operational & Enterprise Risk Head, UOB Indonesia

Sponsors & Partners

2021 Partners

• Fusion

• Interos
• Metric Stream
• Linklaters
• Archer

• Milliman Crisalis
• Cutover

• Cimcon Software

• O.R.X