National Press Club
National Press Club, 16 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600, Australia

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Event Date Fri Mar 1 AEDT (about 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Thu Feb 28 4:00pm - Fri Mar 1 1:00am
Location National Press Club
16 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600, Australia
Region EMEA

The Property Council's Outlook Lunch is one of Canberra's premier corporate events.

ANZ Head of Australian Economics, David Plank will shine a spotlight on the most critical issues facing Australian markets in a global context. We will also have an expert present a micro focus on the local ACT economic outlook.

The speakers will discuss economic trends, the prospects for individual asset classes, liquidity and debt, the national policy reform agenda, and cities and infrastructure in their presentations and Q&A sessions with EY Director, Sarah Phillips.


2019 Speakers

Cherelle Murphy
Senior Economist, ANZ

Stephen Miners
Deputy Under Treasurer, ACT Treasury

Sarah Philips
Partner, EY

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Partners

• Meyer Vandermberg Lawyers