Scandic Copenhagen
Scandic Copenhagen, Vester Søgade 6, 1601 Copenhagen V, Denmark

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Event Date Tue Mar 19 CET (12 months ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Mar 18 7:00pm - Mon Mar 18 7:00pm
Location Scandic Copenhagen
Vester Søgade 6, 1601 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Region EMEA

At this conference in the financial sector, we delve further into the practice, executive order and legislation on outsourcing, critically important outsourcing and experiences with implementation.
We follow up on experiences and challenges with the implementation and focus on some of the issues that have arisen within outsourcing contracts, organisation, documentation, ongoing supplier control, risk management and much more. Through a series of practically focused and concrete posts, you will get ideas and new knowledge on how the resources for implementation and operation are used, so that the requirements are met as best as possible.


2024 Speakers

Jan Jans
Lawyer, Financial Cyber Security

Jan Ussing Andersen
Lawyer, Partner, Bird & Bird

Lau Normann Jørgensen
Lawyer, Partner, Bird & Bird

Line Correll
Group Legal Manager, Legal Director, Commercial Law, Top Denmark

Mathias Mølsted Andersen
Senior Lawyer. Bird & Bird

Søren Christian Søndergaard Poulsen
Senior Director, Data & Analytics, ATP

Thomas Brenøe
Director of Insurance and Digitization, Insurance & Pension

Tobias Thygesen
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority