
What is Qwoted?

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Event Date Tue Apr 12 EDT (over 2 years ago)
Location Webinar
Region Americas

Payments have changed dramatically over the past few decades, and they are continuing to evolve. Modern technology notably the banking API has created the ability to send real-time payments that are faster and richer than ever before, but how can you begin to take advantage of this new technology and utilize it to further optimize your payment processes?

This webinar will delve into how open banking APIs are empowering organizations to increase the speed, accountability, and transparency of their payment operations. The session will cover everything from payment process automation and matching for policy to visibility, costs, and fees, as well as the timing and confirmation integration involved in RTP.

Learning Objectives:
• Learn how open banking APIs are empowering organizations to increase the speed, accountability, and transparency of their payment operations
• Consider payment process automation and matching for policy to visibility, costs, and fees
• Look at the timing and confirmation integration involved in RTP


2022 Speakers

Craig Jeffery
Managing Partner, Strategic Treasurer LLC

Joseph Drambarean
CTO, Trovata

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Sponsor

• Trovata