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Event Date |
Fri Jul 13 BST (over 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Fri Jul 13 12:00am - Fri Jul 13 12:00am |
Location | Silver Sturgeon yacht, London |
Region | EMEA |
Built on the renowned Paybefore brand, which is now part of FinTech Futures, PayTech Awards are new and exciting awards that recognise excellence and innovation in the use of IT in the finance and payment industry worldwide, and the people who make it happen.
For banks, financial and payment institutions, winning a PayTech Award proves the value of their technology investments and showcases their skills, commitment, creativity and execution.
For software providers, a PayTech Award is a valuable recognition of the company’s products and services, and an endorsement by the paytech community.
For individuals and teams, a PayTech Award is a prized acknowledgment of the demonstrated skills, leadership, vision, inspiration and dedication to the industry’s betterment.
2018 Judges:
Lisa Moyle
Director of Strategy and Partnerships, FinTECHTalents
Kate Bolton
Founder, Comms for Good
Ghela Boskovich
Head of Fintech & Regtech Partnerships, Rainmaking Innovations
Clive Bowles
Head of Business Development & Principal Consultant, Fairmort Limited
Tanya Andreasyan
Editor-in-Chief, FinTech Futures
Ruth Milligan
Head of Financial Services and Payments, TechUK
John Lyons
Payments Director, TSB
David Thomasson
Head of Payment Propositions, Metro Bank
David Brear
Founder and CEO, 11:FS
Nick Bilodeau
Head of Marketing, Insurance, American Express Canada
2018 Sponsor and Partner:
• Comms for Good
• Femtech Global
• Bandwidth