Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Wed Nov 9 UTC (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Nov 8 7:00pm - Tue Nov 8 7:00pm |
Location | Online |
Region | All |
GRI Club's Global Committees set the professional standard for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing in order to identify new trends, capitalise on growth opportunities and aid deal flow discovery worldwide.
Curated purely by members, spanning 80+ countries, and across all asset classes, this global committee meets once per month via zoom to share the current sentiment, investment appetite and debate where the market is going.
Participation is open and welcome to all GRI Club Members, under the wing of the specific committee chapter. Be part of the global dynamic exchange and always be present for the opportune moments in your asset and region.
2022 Speakers
Anil Khera
Founder & CEO, Node
Jo Winchester
Senior Director, CBRE
Gawain Smart
Chief Executive Officer, International Campus Group
Murray Clark
Co-Founder & CEO, Neighbourgood
Nikhil Sikri
Co-Founder and CEO, Zolo
Riccardo Tessaro
Co-Founder & CEO, Gravity Co-living
2022 Partner
• International Workplace Group