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Event Date Fri Apr 22 EDT (almost 3 years ago)
Location Virtual
Region Americas

Social innovation exists in the for profit and not for profit industries. This year’s conference we will hear from several for profit social innovators who are solving human and community issues. Stay tuned for the line up of amazing innovators.


2022 Speaker


Ian McClure
Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Impact; Exec. Director, UK Innovate


Simon Sheather
Dean - Gatton College of Business and Economics

Dr. Janelle Molloy
Founder and CEO of Medical Physics Innovations

Scott Stuckey
Founder and CEO of Inquiry Technologies

Dr. Jason Marion
Founder and CEO of ColiGlow and an Associate Professor of Environmental Health Science, Eastern Kentucky University

Dr. Meghan Marsac
Founder and CEO of Cellie Coping Company and an Associate Professor in the College of Medicine, the University of Kentucky