Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London, UK W1B 1AD

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Event Date Thu Jan 18 EST (almost 7 years ago)
Location Royal Institute of British Architects
66 Portland Place, London, UK W1B 1AD
Region Americas

PP3 is the third instalment of four Professional Practice Seminars presented by Dr Rachel Smart

Rachel provides a structure for professional interior designers to rethink accounting and financial management for interior designers - introducing financial future planning, profitability, time management, fee setting as well as book keeping and accounting in a way that helps you to feel confident about these topics


The series of four seminars offer designers the opportunity to take time out from their job, or business, and review their approach and thinking for the future on each of the four core topics. The seminars can be attended as a block of four (giving a month to review/implement between) or as a one off session.

Having developed these seminars with BIID members since 2003 based on their burning questions about professional practice, the seminars have evolved and developed to ensure that they cover contemporary practice whether sole practitioner or larger studio. Delegates range from students, early stage businesses and businesses with over 20 years’ experience giving a great opportunity of sharing within the group.

This is an all-day event and a light sandwich lunch will be provided.


The sessions do not use PowerPoint, instead diagrams are drawn that explain how to 'rethink' your approach to matters faced each day by interior designers in relation to their work. These diagrams provide a framework for continued use when back in the studio. The diagrams and approach have been tested repeatedly with Rachel's clients since 2000 and with the BIID since 2003. During the session delegates will have the opportunity to put forward their own particular stumbling blocks and receive advice there and then that they can apply after the session.

Every delegate is equipped to gradually and continuously improve the delivery of projects and the management of a studio to generate long-term business success in both design and financial terms. Improvements in professional practice make it much easier to win clients, earn appropriate fees, deliver projects smoothly and generate repeat business.


Delegates range from students, early stage businesses and businesses with over 20 years’ experience giving a great opportunity of sharing within the group.


2018 Speaker:

Rachel Smart