Palazzo Parigi Hotel & Grand Spa Milano
Palazzo Parigi Hotel & Grand Spa Milano, Corso di Porta Nuova, 1, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

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Event Date Tue Jul 5 CEST (about 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Jul 4 6:00pm - Mon Jul 4 6:00pm
Location Palazzo Parigi Hotel & Grand Spa Milano
Corso di Porta Nuova, 1, 20121 Milano MI, Italy
Region EMEA

Despite the uncertainty of the economic framework of the past years, has seen intense and fruitful fundraising activity in the Italian Private Equity market, with high level of liquidity available for investments and a substantial increase in Italian private equity savings.

During this half-day, in-person event, our exceptional panel of speakers will explore how the macro-economic trends will impact the Italian Private Equity market; will discuss the most relevant deals and future investment opportunities in the Italian Large and Mid-cap space; will examine the evolution of Private Equity in Italy, including new trends, business models and innovation and, ever so importantly, how adopting a strong ESG policy leads to better long-term returns within private market portfolios.

The forum brings together an unrivalled audience of private markets specialists and investors, allowing you to take part in valuable conversations and forge industry connections.


2022 Speakers

Giovanni Tinuper
Partner, Deals Platform and Transaction Services Leader, PwC Italy

Gregorio De Felice
Head of Research and Chief Economist, Intesa Sanpaolo

Valentina Franceschini
Senior Partner, Wise Equity Sgr

Matteo Zenari
Head of Financial Sponsor , Intesa Sanpaolo, IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division

Gianni Martoglia
Equity Partner, Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici

Luca Bucelli
Head of Italy, Tikehau Investment Management

Francesco Pascalizi
Partner, Head of Italy, Permira

Luca Peyrano
Chief Operating Officer, ION Analytics

Laura Scaramella
Partner, CDP Venture Capital Sgr

Marianna Vintiadis
Co-Founder & CEO, 36Brains

Giovanni Amodeo
Chief Data Officer, Ion Analytics

Stefano Bianchi
Partner, Strategy& Italy, Industrial Manufacturing Leader, PwC Italy

Fabio Bianconi
Senior Director, Morrow Sodali

Barbara Napolitano
Equity Partner, Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici

Philip Whitchelo
Board Advisor, Sterling Technology

Luigi Tommasini
Senior Partner, Fondo Italiano D'Investimento

Francesco Colli
Managing Director, Clessidra Private Equity SGR

Gianandrea Perco
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, DeA Capital Alternative Funds

Francesco Aldorisio
Partner, Unigestion

Cristiano Dalla Bona
Equity Markets Reporter, ION Analytics

Alessandra Castelli
Global Head Editorial Development, M&A and ECM, ION Analytics

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Sponsors


• Sterling
• 36 Brains