The Townsend Hotel
The Townsend Hotel, 100 Townsend St, Birmingham, MI 48009, USA

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Event Date Thu May 18 CDT (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu May 18 1:00am - Thu May 18 1:00am
Location The Townsend Hotel
100 Townsend St, Birmingham, MI 48009, USA
Region Americas

This event is the region's leading conference for family offices, high net worth wealth managers, and private banks from throughout the region and one of the flagship meetings of our global private wealth series. The forum’s content was developed through hundreds of one-on-one meetings with the high net worth family wealth management community and the program's speaker faculty is primarily comprised of leaders in the sector from across Michigan.

Our agenda covers asset allocation and protection, equity markets, fixed income, alternative investments, as well as succession planning and an outlook of the financial markets and the global economy. This event is completely closed-door and invitation-only, and it has been designed to enable genuine peer-to-peer learning and networking for the regional private wealth community.


2023 Speakers

Derek Bahri
Senior Wealth Advisor, Mariner Wealth Advisors

David Breuhan
Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Schwartz & Co. Investment Advisors

Jacqueline Campbell
President and Chief Executive Officer, Alexander Legacy Private Wealth

Daniel Dusina
Director of Investments, Blue Chip Partners

Daniel Greulich
Chief Investment Officer, GreenUp Wealth Management

Aaron Hodari
Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer, Schechter Investment Advisors

Svetlana Loshakov
Senior Managing Director, Head of Investments, Clearstead

Renee Mendelssohn
Senior Wealth Advisor, Waldron Private Wealth

Daniel Milan
Managing Partner, Chief Investment Officer, Cornerstone Financial Services

Brian Mosallam
Chief Executive Officer, Managing Partner, Spartan Wealth Management

Todd Moss
Managing Partner, Greystone Financial Group

Michael Poland
Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Braeburn Wealth Management

John Robbins
President, JFR Financial Services

Jason Steeno
President, CoreCap Advisors

Dewey Steffen
Co-Founder, Chief Investment Officer, Great Lakes Wealth

Andrew Stewart
Chief Investment Officer, Exchange Capital Management

Ben VerWys
Founder, Fiduciary Financial Advisors

Jill Wall
Chief Investment Officer, ISTO Advisors

Sponsors & Partners

2023 Sponsors

• Hatteras Investment Partners

• First Trust

• Ares Wealth Management Solutions
• Distillate Capital
• Harbor Capital Advisors
• Krane Funds Advisors
• New York Life Investments
• Noblestone Capital
• Putnam Investments

• Delaware Funds
• First Eagle Investments Management
• Primark Capital
• Hines
• Sturbridge Capital
• Touchstone Investments