Hyperion Hotel Leipzig
Hyperion Hotel Leipzig, Sachsenseite 7, 04109 Leipzig, Germany

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Event Date Thu May 19 CEST (about 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed May 18 6:00pm - Wed May 18 6:00pm
Location Hyperion Hotel Leipzig
Sachsenseite 7, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Region EMEA

The Leipzig real estate market is relatively unimpressed by the corona pandemic and its social and economic effects. The attraction of the metropolis as a business, university and trade fair city is unbroken. In the last decade, Leipzig recorded the largest increase in population of all major German cities! And since real estate prices are still low compared to western German metropolises, Leipzig also remains attractive for foreign investors. We say: "Leipzig: Logical!"

Here it is worth taking a closer look at exciting projects in district development, climate-positive construction and flexible office concepts. New trends, attractive assets, connoisseurs and experts together, in one place!


2022 Speakers

Andreas Albrecht
Authorized Officer, Head of Investment, Arcadia Investment Group

Lena Brühne
Berlin Branch Manager, Partner, Art-invest Real Estate Management

Ulf Graichen
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Data Officer, CG Elementum AG

Christine Lemaitre
Executive Director, German Sustainable Building Council - DGNB EV

Eva Weiß
Managing Director, Buwog Bauträger GMBH

Stefan Wulff
Managing Partner, OTTO WULFF

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Partner

• Luther
• Rewe
• BNP PAribas Real Estate
• CG Elementum
• Instone Real Estate