Marriott Hotel
Marriott Hotel, Oud Metha Road, Al Jaddaf Area - Dubai - UAE

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Event Date Wed Nov 21 +04 (over 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue Nov 20 11:00pm - Wed Nov 21 8:00am
Location Marriott Hotel
Oud Metha Road, Al Jaddaf Area - Dubai - UAE
Region EMEA

The conference, for which some 200 delegates had registered, met with great success thanks to the new format, new networking sessions and some outstanding presentations.

This year’s Retail Risk Dubai conference boasted a brilliant roster of international speakers, many having flown in specifically for the conference. Ably chaired by Peter Page, all presentations were outstanding, with particular favourites being Corin Dennison of adidas, Jason Hall also of adidas, Colin Stewart from Abercrombie & Fitch and Daniel Muller of McDonalds.

Popular innovations for this year’s conference was a new open plan format that significantly helped networking opportunities throughout the day as well as a new Meet the Experts session; a worldwide first launched at Dubai. The session saw each of our experts sat with tables of ten delegates to give personalised interviews, presentations and to answer the very questions that were posed. The only complaint we had for the whole day was that the session should be extended from one hour to two! So successful were these two new features that the organisers are rolling them out to other Retail Risk conferences around the world.

Next year’s conference takes place at the same venue on 21st November 2018. With 100% of delegates responding to the exit survey of their experience describing the event as “very good” or better, demand for tickets is sure to be high. So, make sure to pre-register today so that you will have first option of tickets for yourself and your team at least one week before they go on general release.


2018 Speakers

Peter Page
MENA-based Group Loss Prevention Manager

Mazen Chedid
Founder & CEO, Your Arabian Doll

Bruce Duncan
Head of Business Risk, Matalan

Kenneth Long
CEO, Association of Behavioural Detection Officers and COO, Super Recognisers International

Jo Day
Regional Security Manager, Amazon UK

Jason Hall
Western Europe Senior Manager, Profit Protection, adidas Group

Sponsors & Partners

2018 Sponsors

• mca
• tyco Retail Solutions

• tyco Retail Solutions
• mca