Lloyd's of London Private Dining Rooms, Lloyd's Building
Lloyd's of London Private Dining Rooms, Lloyd's Building, Lloyd's of London Private Dining Rooms, Lloyd's Building

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Event Date Thu Jul 27 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Jul 27 12:00am - Thu Jul 27 12:00am
Location Lloyd's of London Private Dining Rooms, Lloyd's Building
Lloyd's of London Private Dining Rooms, Lloyd's Building
Region EMEA

This 75-minute seminar is a MUST for everyone concerned with insurance industry data security. Internal networks, external data centres, websites, roaming users, portable media, mobile devices… they all store critical data. And all need 24/7 active protection. Leading data security experts from Darktrace and Redscan reveal the latest methods to help safeguard client data - in the cloud, in the office, on the road and overseas - against accidental loss, malicious insider threats and external attacks.


Andrew Kays
Chief Technology Officer at Redscan

Simon Wilson
Account Director at Darktrace

Sponsors & Partners

Dark Trace
The Right Technology Delivered