Financial University
Financial University, Leningradsky Ave, 55 Moscow, Russia, 125057

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Event Date Mon Apr 1 MSK - Wed Apr 3 MSK (almost 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Apr 1 1:00am - Wed Apr 3 10:00am
Location Financial University
Leningradsky Ave, 55 Moscow, Russia, 125057
Region EMEA

Russian Tax Week is an annual event bringing together Russian and foreign experts on international taxation (tax officials, consultants, practitioners, academicians).

Goal/Objective: the establishment of a regular broad platform for communication of professionals in the field of international taxation on
the basis of Russian IFA Branch, the promotion of the master's program International Tax Planning of the the Financial University.

Organizers: Russian IFA Branch, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, St Petersburg State Economic
University, Eurasian Economic Commission, Tax Consultants Chamber.

Invited Speakers: representatives from Federal Tax Service of Russia, Ministry of Finance of Russia, EEC, OECD, Russian IFA Branch,
IFA, IBFD, members of Russia IFA Branch, Big Four, Russian and foreign consulting and law firms, Russian and foreign scholars in the
field of international taxation, Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.


2019 Speakers

Professor Kees van Raad

Daniil Egorov

Alexey Overchuk

Elisey Balta

Dmitry Volvach

Alexander Kadet

Alexander Smirnov

Dennis Weber

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Patners and Organizers

• Russian IFA Branch
• Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
• Eurasian Economic Commission​​
• Chambers of Tax Consultants

• PwC
• Linklaters
• DLA Piper
• Thomson Reuters