99 City Road Conference Centre
99 City Road Conference Centre, 99 City Rd, London EC1Y 1AX, UK

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Event Date Thu Nov 2 GMT (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Nov 2 12:00am - Thu Nov 2 12:00am
Location 99 City Road Conference Centre
99 City Rd, London EC1Y 1AX, UK
Region EMEA

The only conference of its kind in the housing sector, the Smaller Housing Associations' Conference and Exhibition returns to London in November.

A unique forum providing practical guidance, the latest best practice and excellent networking opportunities.

The Smaller Housing Associations' Conference and Exhibition 2016 came at the end of an event filled year. We gave you an insight into the challenges facing the housing sector, how these issues impact your organisation and the role smaller housing associations must play in the future.


2017 Speakers:

Gaby Hinsliff
Guardian columnist and former political editor of the Observer, The Guardian

Gill Payne
Executive Director of Public Impact, National Housing Federation

Andre Angelinetta
Director of Audit and Vice Chair, Aster and South Western Housing

John Delahunty
Chief Executive, Innisfree

Angela Gascoigne
Chief Executive, SHAL Housing

Jonathan Horsfall
Debt Recorvery Manager, Halton Housing Trust

Amandeep Jhawar
Risk and Compliance Director, Orbit Group

Diana Kingdon
Chief Executive, Greenoak Housing Association

Joanne Martin
Deputy CEO, SHAL Housing

Shelagh Morgan
Director of Housing, Chichester Greyfriars Housing Association

Clare Norton
Chief Executive and Chair, Peter Bedford Housing Association and G320

Sue Ramsden
Policy Leader, National Housing Federation

Katrina Robinson MBE
Head of Legal Services, Optivo

Duncan Salter
Director, JCRA

Claire Warren
Chief Executive, Pickering and Ferens Homes

Raife West
Chief Executive, Havant Housing

Paul Yates
Chief Executive, Crown Simmons Housing

Sponsors & Partners

2017 Sponsor:

• Llyod Bank
• Redloft

• 24 Housing