Tapahtumakeskus Koskenranta
Tapahtumakeskus Koskenranta, Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9, 00560 Helsinki, Finland

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Event Date Tue May 10 EEST (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon May 9 5:00pm - Mon May 9 5:00pm
Location Tapahtumakeskus Koskenranta
Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
Region EMEA

This event will bring the top names in business to the stage to discuss the most current topics for the financial management – you don’t want to miss out on this!

This year, the top themes are e.g. economic megatrends, responsibility as a competitive factor, the role of the CFO in growth, the keys to a successful CFO, artificial intelligence & automation, and risk management.


2022 Speakers


Lars Christensen,
Founder & , Markets and Money Advisory, Research Associate, Stellenvosch University

Marga Hoek,
Global Thoughtleader about Sustainable Business and Capital


Reetta Rajala,
Advisor to MCF Corporate Finance

Matti Copeland,
Investment Banking, Private Equity Investing and Strategy Professional

Tomi Kortela,
Senior Economist, OP Financial Group

Ilkka Hara,
CFO, KONE Corporation

Janne Blomqvist,
Director, Accounting Services, Azets

Christian Slöör,
Manager Customer Success, Workday

Jussi Ropo,
CFO, Barona

Artti Aurasmaa,
CEO, Staria

Johan Haataja,
CFO, Relex

Petteri Heikinheimo,
Country Managing Director, Accountor

Sanna Eulenberger,
Service Design Manager, Accountor

Antti Suorsa,
Managing Partner, Zeal Sourcing

Olav Maas,
Director AP Automation, Basware

Markku Järvenoja,
Tax Specialist, TietoAkseli Group

Reetta Rajala,
Advisor to MCF Corporate Finance

Matti Copeland,
Investment Banking, Private Equity Investing and Strategy Professional

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Partners

• Accountor
• Azets
• Basware
• Staria

• Atradius
• Clausion
• Palette
• Ropo Capital
• Sergel
• Tieto Akseli
• Workday