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Event Date Fri Nov 12 GMT (over 3 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Fri Nov 12 5:00am - Fri Nov 12 7:00am
Location Virtual
Region EMEA

This is a webinar arranged jointly by the Local Government associations in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to explore the financial challenges faced by local authorities post-COVID-19. A key priority for us all over the coming months and years is financial stability and ultimately, longer-term financial sustainability for Local Government, enabling councils to continue to develop their key local leadership role, especially important during recovery from the pandemic. Alongside increasing pressures on council budgets and calls for reform of local taxation, issues of financial sustainability and resilience are becoming commonplace, and councils themselves need financial stability to underpin plans for the future. Local government leaders and other experts from around the UK will discuss what the future holds for local government finance and potential solutions to these most pressing of financial issues.

Who should attend:

• Council Chief Executives
• Council Leaders
• Finance Cabinet Members and Shadows
• Finance Directors


2021 Speakers

Cllr Anthony Hunt
Finance Spokesperson, WLGA and Leader, Torfaen County

Cllr Andrew Morgan
Leader, Welsh Local Government Association

Cllr James Jamieson
Chairman, Local Government Association

Cllr Alison Evison
President, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

Cllr Matt Garrett
Vice President and Finance Lead, Northern Ireland Local

Kate Ogden
Research Economist, Institute for Fiscal Studies

Brian Roberts
former Finance Commissioner, Northamptonshire County Council

Professor Tony Travers
Visiting Professor, Department for Government and Director, LSE London