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Event Date Thu Oct 19 EDT (about 1 year ago)
Location Webinar
Region Americas

In this webinar, experts from Mosaic and Ordway will share tips, tricks, and trends to help you keep your finger on the pulse of the resources your business depends on most — revenue and cash.

They’ll also discuss how our new Mosaic + Ordway integration helps you optimize the full cash management lifecycle.

What you’ll learn:
►Trends & techniques finance teams are deploying to optimize cash flow
►How to think holistically about the full cash management lifecycle
►How Ordway and Mosaic integrate together to automate cash flow analytics, optimize runway with what-if scenario analysis, and collect cash faster


2022 Speakers

Steve Keifer
Vice President, Marketing, Ordway

Brian Martell
Head of Product Marketing, Mosaic

Al Martinez
Director, Solutions Consulting, Mosaic