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Event Date Thu May 26 EDT (about 2 years ago)
Region All

About the Event
The digital revolution is here, changing how work gets done, how industries are structured, and how people from all walks of life work, behave, and relate to each other. To thrive in a world driven by data and powered by algorithms, we must learn to see, think, and act in new ways.

This doesn’t mean we need to master coding or machine learning—but it does mean that we need to develop a digital mindset.

On Thursday, May 26, in a live, interactive Harvard Business Review webinar, professors Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley—coauthors of the book The Digital Mindset—will focus on how to develop the skills needed to compete in a changing digital environment. They will discuss:

Why a digital mindset is crucial for continued digital transformation
Three approaches to the digital mindset—and the perspectives and actions within each approach to help you develop the digital skills you need
How a digital mindset will help you ask the right questions, make smart decisions, and appreciate new possibilities
And the importance of the “30 percent rule” - the minimum threshold that gives us enough digital literacy to understand and take advantage of the digital world.

The ever-changing digital landscape can feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.


2022 Speakers

Paul Leonardi
Professor of Technology Management, University of California, Santa Barbara

Tsedal Neeley
Professor, Harvard Business School

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Sponsor

• Oracle