TBA, Cape Town

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Event Date Thu Jun 9 EET (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Jun 8 6:00pm - Wed Jun 8 6:00pm
Location TBA
Cape Town
Region EMEA

In 2022, we will see the return of this event back to its roots as an in-person event. Once again, The Collaborative Exchange, has managed to secure some of the brightest minds in investment management from across the globe.

These experts will share their insights into a wide array of subject matter, covering geopolitics, macro-economic predictions, fiscal stimulation and money supply, new thematic investment trends, vaccine implementation and the impact of developed and developing economies as well as specific views on the likely performance of various asset classes.

2021 was a year of aggressive and sustained policy intervention that underpinned financial markets. Central banks fought the pandemic with cheap cash and printed money as a way to a recovery. Risk hunting venture capitalists fed an IPO boom and projects enjoying incubation financing exploded.

2022 looks to be a watershed year and, arguably, the world is on the precipice of “normalisation”. However, there is still a plethora of risks at stake, and global recovery could be stymied by variances of COVID-19 and rampant inflation. The Ukraine/Russian crisis is also causing jittery stock markets and the “flight to safety” could be the theme of 2022.


2022 Speakers

Ahmed Talhaoui
Managing Director, BlackRock

Akanksha Ganju
Vice President, Fundamental Equity Client Portfolio Management, Goldman Sachs

Albert Botha
Head of Fixed Income, Ashburton Investments

Amadeo Alentorn
Portfolio Manager, Old Mutual Global Equity Fund

Bernisha Lala
Head: Indexation and Portfolio Manager, Old Mutual Investment Group

Bruce Whitfield
Radio Personality and Financial Journalist, Master of Ceremonies

Charl de Villiers
Head of Equities, Ashburton Investments

Clyde Rossouw
Co-Head of Quality, Ninety One

Danni Yang
Client Portfolio Manager, Europe, Franklin Templeton / Martin Currie

Derek Msibi
Chief Executive Officer, STANLIB

Edward Blain
Member of Investment Team Orbis

Gautam Samarth
Portfolio Manager, M&G Investments

Hepburn Schroders
Intermediary Solutions Director, Schroders

Gugulethu Mfuphi
Financial Journalist, Master of Ceremonies

Heather Hopkins
Managing Director, NextWealth

Henk Viljoen
Senior Portfolio Manager, STANLIB

Iain Power
Chief Investment Officer, Nedgroup Investments

Iain Anderson
Co-Head: Investments, Sygnia Limited

Ian Scott
Head of Fixed Income, Momentum Investments

Jacques Conradie
Chief Executive Officer and Portfolio Manager, Peregrine Capital

Jeanette Marais
Chief Executive Officer, Momentum Investments

Jeremy Thomas
Head of Global Equities, Fund Manager and Partner, Sarasin & Partners LLP

Justin Floor
Fund Manager, PSG Asset Management

Karl Leinberger
Chief Investment Officer, Coronation

Katy Thorneycroft
Head of International Portfolio Management Multi-Asset Solutions, J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Kevin Lings
Chief Economist, STANLIB

Laura Cooper
Senior investment strategist, BlackRock

Luke McMahon
Portfolio Manager, Glacier Invest

Magda Wierzycka
Executive Chairperson, Sygnia Limited

Matthew Spencer
Head of Investment Counsellors, Orbis

Michael Power
Strategist, Ninety One

Neil Padoa
Portfolio Manager, Coronation

Nersan Naidoo
Chief Executive, Sanlam Investments

Nic Andrew
Managing Director, Nedgroup Investments

Nico Katzke
Head of Portfolio Solutions, Satrix Investments

Patrice Rossou
Chief Investment Officer, Ashburton Investments

Peter Kempen
Head of Retail Distribution, Coronation

Pieter Koekemoer
Head of Personal Investments, Coronation

Rehana Khan
Portfolio Manager, Ninety One

René Prinsloo
Portfolio Manager, M&G Investments

Rob Spanjaard
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, Rezco Asset Management

Ryan Basdeo
Head of Index Portfolio Management, 1nvest

Saleigh Salaam
Head of Quantitative Investments and Portfolio Manager, Old Mutual Investment Group

Samantha Seaton
Chief Executive Officer, Moneyhub

Sandile Malinga
Portfolio Manager, M&G Investments

Sara Morgan
Managing Director, BlackRock

Sarah-Jane Alexander
Portfolio Manager, Coronation

Sean Munsie
Portfolio Manager, Allan Gray

Shaun Le Roux
Portfolio Manager, PSG Asset Management

Simon Adler
Fund Manager, Equities, Equity Value, Schroders

Tim Acker
Portfolio Manager, Allan Gray

Ugo Montrucchio
Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager, Schroders

Wade Witbooi
Portfolio Manager, Glacier Invest (moderator)

Wayne Dennehy
Head of Systematic Strategies and Structuring, Momentum Investments

Ferreira, 1nvest


Brandon Zietsman
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, PortfolioMetrix

Debra Slabber
Portfolio Specialist, Morningstar Investment Management

Eugene Visagie
Head of Strategy, Optimum Investment Group

Jennifer Henry
Head, DFM, INN8 Invest

Leigh Kohler
Head of Strategic Investments and Manager Research, INN8 Invest

Peter Mann
Independent Non-Executive Director, Bravura Solutions

Thato Mashigo
Sanlam Investments - Fund Manager / CFA Society - Deputy President, Sanlam / CFA Society

Victoria Reuvers
Managing Director, Morningstar Investment Management