KPMG, 55 2nd St, 11TH FLOOR San Francisco, California 94105, USA

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Event Date Wed Jun 19 PDT (9 months ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Jun 19 3:00am - Wed Jun 19 3:00am
Location KPMG
55 2nd St, 11TH FLOOR San Francisco, California 94105, USA
Region Americas

Developing your team is the most important job you face every day—far too important to be just left to HR or anyone else in the organization. But the workforce of 2024 presents unprecedented challenges for CFOs, including remote work, talent shortages, a multi-generational workforce, the great resignation, and a decline in people entering the accounting profession. What must CFOs do? How do you keep people motivated? How do you attract the best and brightest? What’s the role of technology in productivity and how does it go wrong? What are some simple, pragmatic tips and tricks to keep morale high and people engaged in a stressful time? In this highly interactive peer-learning session, you’ll share your toughest people challenges and learn new strategies to ensure the ongoing success of your team.

Sponsors & Partners

2024 Sponsors

• Oracle
• Cushman & Wakefield
• Robert Half
• Bank of America