Park Hyatt Zürich
Park Hyatt Zürich, Beethofenstrasse 21, 8002 Zürich

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Event Date Wed Nov 8 CET (about 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Nov 7 6:00pm - Tue Nov 7 6:00pm
Location Park Hyatt Zürich
Beethofenstrasse 21, 8002 Zürich
Region EMEA

It is a future oriented trade show that goes with the trends for the banking and capital market. The digital transformation faces major challenges for banks and asset managers. The banks are increasingly being pressed in their core business and are struggling with dwindling margins. In addition, customer needs are changing. Recruiting new customers and looking after existing customers - a demanding task. A differentiated visitor experience should be prepared for the customer. At the same time, Money - The Swiss Finance Summit is responding to the wishes of market participants - more marketing, less costs.


2023 Speakers


Prof. Dr. Dominik Erny
Initial and Continuing Education, Institute for Financial Services Zug - IFZ

Dr. Rainer Landert
Education and training, Founder IFBS International Fund Business School (Fund Academy AG), Author

Andre Thali
Asset Management, AXA Investment Managers Schweiz AG

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Windhovel
Prediction and pension funds, Managing Director, Wincon Gmbh

Sponsors & Partners

2023 Sponsors

• Zurich Banking Association

• Emil Frey