County Hall, London, United Kingdom
County Hall, London, United Kingdom, Belvedere Rd, Lambeth, London SE1 7PB, Untied Kingdom

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Event Date Thu Sep 28 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Sep 28 12:00am - Thu Sep 28 12:00am
Location County Hall, London, United Kingdom
Belvedere Rd, Lambeth, London SE1 7PB, Untied Kingdom
Region EMEA

The Telegraph Future of Fintech 2017 unites senior influencers and tech innovators from UK, European and global markets under one roof for a dynamic day of strategy talks and myth-busting debate. Going beyond the standard conversations around Fintech, the summit aims to provide agenda-setting discussions and promote the transformational power of this exciting, disruptive tech. This year you will be able to request for a VIP by filling out our form.


2017 Event Speakers

Anne Boden
CEO and Founder,
Starling Bank

James Daley,
Managing Director and Founder,
Fairer Finance

Marieke Flament,
Managing Director for Europe,

Georgia Hanias,
Head of Global Communications,
Innovate Finance

Virraj Jatania,
CEO & Founder,

Iain McDougall,
UK Country Manager,

James Meekings,
UK Managing Director and co-founder,
Funding Circle

Sagheer Mufti,
Chief Operating Officer ,

Gwyneth Nurse,
Director of Financial Services,
HM Treasury

Kosta Peric,
Deputy Director, Financial Services for the Poor,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Maria Flores Portillo,
General Manager UK,

Chris Skinner,
Chief Executive Officer,
The Finanser

Reshma Sohoni,
Founding Partner,

Ashok Vaswani,
Barclays UK

Igor Volzhanin,

Sponsors & Partners

2017 Event Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor:
