Toronto, ON
Toronto, ON, Virtual Event

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Event Date Thu Jan 28 EST (about 4 years ago)
Location Toronto, ON
Virtual Event
Region Americas

As organizations continue to navigate in the post-pandemic world one thing is clear, resiliency, agility, and speed will separate the organizations that succeed from those that don’t. Cash preservation is critical, however without a balanced strategy, organizations face the temptation to cut costs in blunt, linear, traditional ways that rob them of the capacity to flourish in the future. Value transformation is a better way to organize, lower costs and enable investments to position for future growth.

This session will focus on:

• Reprioritizing digital projects to create new approaches to value transformation
• Leveraging technologies such as hybrid multi-cloud to provide new ways to pinpoint cost and drive value
• Reinforcing partnerships to push objectives forward and focus on future success


2021 Speakers


Xerxes Cooper
General Manager, Global Technology Services, IBM Canada


Majid Nazari
Head of Information Systems & Infrastructure, Generali Global Health Services

Ted Maulucci
President & CIO, SmartONE Solutions

Fariba Rawhani
CIO, Teranet

Sponsors & Partners

2021 Partner