Rosen Shingle Creek
Rosen Shingle Creek, 9939 Universal Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32819, US

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Mon Jan 15 EST - Fri Jan 19 EST (almost 7 years ago)
Location Rosen Shingle Creek
9939 Universal Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32819, US
Region Americas

Enhance your visibility in the property/windstorm insurance claims industry.

You’ll meet and mingle with top industry professionals and influencers to engage and discuss current trends, hot topics and recent developments in property and windstorm insurance claims issues.

And, you can typically knock out a year’s worth of your CE credits during the three-day event.

At WIND 2018. you'll engage and discuss current trends (like this year's hurricane season), hot topics, and recent developments in the property and windstorm insurance claims. You'll also connect with industry professionals, pick up a year's worth of CE/CLE requirements, and earn industry certifications. such as NFIP and WIND Credentials.

More than 1,000+ defense and policyholder representatives in the property and windstorm insurance claims industry attend the annual WIND Conference. You'll meet claims directors, adjusters, attorneys, engineers, restoration professionals, contractors, consultants, and other related professions.

The annual WIND Conference is more than the average, status quo insurance industry event. Nowhere else can you actually learn and engage with representatives from both sides of the industry. That’s what many of our attendees say makes our event so unique, and a huge learning opportunity for them.

Windstorm Insurance Network, Inc. (WIND®) is a member association formed in 1999 to offer education and industry insight for professionals from all facets of the property/windstorm insurance claims industry.

WIND® is the only member association to bring together both defense and policyholder professionals to connect, learn and engage on important property/windstorm insurance claims issues.


2018 Keynote Speaker:

Frank Abagnale, Jr.

Sponsors & Partners

2018 Sponsors:

• Venture Construction Group of Florida, Inc.

​• Duboff Law Firm
• ​Marin, Eljaiek & Lopez
• Merlin Law Group
• Morgan Law Group
• Salmon & Dulberg Dispute Resolution
• Stockham Law Group, P.A.
• Tutwiler & Associates
• Twenty First Century Engineering, Inc.