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Event Date | Thu Sep 12 EDT (over 5 years ago) |
Location |
Cipriani 42nd Street
110 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017, USA |
Region | Americas |
According to the Wall Street Journal and data provider Morningstar only seven percent of investment managers in the $15 trillion US mutual-fund industry in 2015 were female. This is down from 10 percent in 2009.
A disheartening imbalance of women at senior-level positions within the U.S. investment industry is visible more than ever in 2019. A recent study by Catalyst, a New York–based non-profit focused on women’s inclusion in the workplace, found that women hold just 16.1 percent of executive and senior-level positions. The Women in Asset Management Awards aims to shine a light on females who are paving the way for gender parity.
Through a series of categories the inaugural Women in Asset Management Awards, will act as a flagship and high-profile platform for the industry’s wide-reaching diversity efforts.
2019 Sponsors
• nuveen
• wincrest capital
• indus