TBA, London

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Event Date Thu Nov 23 GMT (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Nov 22 7:00pm - Wed Nov 22 7:00pm
Location TBA
Region EMEA

If you work with women in the tech industry who should be rewarded for their hard work, we want to hear all about it!

These awards are important as they recognise top-performing women from across the technology space and provide inspiration for younger women looking to build a career in our industry.

The challenge of increasing diversity in IT is now firmly on the agenda across the UK, but it is far from a solved problem. Women are still under-represented across the industry, especially at higher echelons, and they're also likely to be paid less than their male counterparts for the same work.

The issue extends right through the career, starting in schools where education institutions report little to no growth in the numbers of women taking STEM subjects. More needs to be done to encourage the women IT leaders of tomorrow.

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2023 Sponsors

• Hargreaves Lansdown