One Boston Place
One Boston Place, 201 Washington St, Boston, MA 02108, USA

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Event Date Wed Oct 10 EDT - Thu Oct 11 EDT (over 6 years ago)
Location One Boston Place
201 Washington St, Boston, MA 02108, USA
Region Americas

LSX World Congress USA is a high-calibre, senior executive, two-day conference and partnering event providing the education, strategies, solutions and contacts that life science companies need to enable more effective investment, strategic planning and growth within their businesses. The US version of the World Congress follows on from five previous highly successful Congresses following the unique style and format of LSX, formerly Biotech and Money.

With our relentless focus on quality peer-to-peer discussion, high-level networking and partnering, unique formats and a vetted, high-calibre audience, we bring together the people that matter to the future of healthcare.


2018 Speakers

Ivana Magovčević-liebisch
Executive Vice President & Chief Business Officer, Ipsen

Noubar Afeyan
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Flagship Pioneering

Boris Zaitra
Global Head of M&a, Roche

Neil Exter
Partner, Third Rock Ventures

Arjun Goyal
Co-founder and Managing Director, Vida Ventures

Martin Heidecker
Managing Director, Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund Usa

Michal Silverberg
Managing Director, Novartis Venture Fund

Todd Foley
Managing Director, Mpm Capital

Alexandra Glucksmann
Chief Executive Officer, Cedilla Therapeutics

Rob Brainin
Chief Executive Officer, Wuxi Nextcode

Michael Sherman
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Alex De Winter
Managing Director, Ge Ventures

Paul Biondi
Senior Vice President Head of Bd, Bristol-myers Squibb

Russ Johannesson
Chief Executive Officer, Glooko

Nigel Sheail
Global Head of M&a and Bd&l, Novartis

Don Van Dyke
Chief Operating Officer, Cloud Pharmaceuticals

Sohang Chatterjee
Chief Executive Officer, Enbiome Therapeutics

Dennis Grishin
Co-founder, Nebula Genomics

Philip Strandwitz
Chief Executive Officer, Holobiome

Andrew Elbardissi
Principal, Deerfield

Niven Narain
Chief Executive Officer, Berg Health

Katherine Merton
Head of J&j Innovation, Jlabs @ Nyc

David Donabedian
Chief Executive Officer, Axial Biotherapeutics

Michael Heidecker
Managing Director, Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund Usa

Josh Mandel-brehm
Chief Executive Officer, Camp4 Therapeutics

Paul Wotton
Chief Executive Officer, Sigilon Therapeutics

Adam Kaufman
Chief Executive Officer, Canary Health

Jay Goth
Managing Partner, Forentis Fund

Leila Pirhaji
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Revivemed

Todd Krueger
Chief Executive Officer, Aobiome Therapeutics

Brian Rye
Senior Health-care Policy Analyst, Government Team, Bloomberg Intelligence

Jason Hafler
Senior Director of Investments, Sanofi Ventures

Alicia Irurzun-lafitte
Principal, Ms-ventures

Mark Smith
Chief Executive Officer, Finch Therapeutics

Scott Shandler
Chief Executive Officer, Longevity Biotech

George Church
Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School

Joris Van Dam
Head Digital Therapeutics, Novartis

Chrissa Mcfarlane
Chief Executive Officer, Patientory

Eddie Martucci
Chief Executive Officer, Akili Interactive

David Koepsell
Chief Executive Officer, Encrypgen

Gini Deshpande
Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Numedii

Sandy Li
Vice President, Baidu Ventures

Geoff Mackay
Chief Executive Officer, Avrobio

Jai Balkissoon
Vice President Immuno-oncology, Global Product Development, Ppd

Neil Mahapatra
Chairman, Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies

Lewis Geffen
Co-chair, Life Science and Vc & Emerging Companies Practice, Mintz Levin

Daniel O’connell
Chief Executive Officer, Acumen Pharma

Dean Petkanas
Chief Executive Officer, Kannalife Sciences

Aradhana Sarin
Senior Vice President, Head of Bd & Strategy, Alexion Pharmaceuticals

Marshall Smith
Global Head of Healthcare, Goldman Sachs

Drew Volpe
Founding Partner, First Star Ventures

Karan Wadhera
Managing Partner, Casa Verde Capital

Greg Gorgas
Chief Executive Officer, Artelo Biosciences

Brian Pereira
Chief Executive Officer, Visterra

David Benshoof Klein
Chief Executive Officer, Click Therapeutics

Doug Giordano
Vice President Business Development, Pfizer

Aaron Kantoff
Principal, Apple Tree Partners

Janna Hutz
Senior Director, Head of Human Biology & Data Science, Eisai

Francesco De Rubertis
Partner, Medicxi

Thomas Hughes
Chief Executive Officer, Navitor Pharmaceuticals

Jim Broderick
Chief Executive Officer, Palleon Pharmaceuticals

Paulina Hill
Principal, Polaris Partners

Brett Zbar
Managing Director, Foresite Capital Management

Philip Astley-sparke
Venture Partner, Forbion Capital Partners

Mark Chin
Investment Director, Arix Bioscience

Rosemary G. Reilly
Partner, Wilmerhale

Philip Lee
Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder, Senti Biosciences

Michael Margolis
Co-head of Healthcare Investment Banking, Oppenheimer

Mike Fitzgerald
Managing Director, Nasdaq

Robert Ward
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eloxx Pharma

Kimberly Ha
Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Kkh Advisors

Sponsors & Partners

2018 Partners

• Goldman Sachs

• Citi
• Covington
• Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
• LaVoie Health Science
• Mintz Levin
• Nasdaq
• Oppenheimer
• PPD Biotech

• Hogan Lovells
• WilmerHale

• Advanced Biofuels USA
• Consilium Strategic Communications
• FreeMind
• Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
• Newton Media Group
• SupplyChainBrain