I'm looking for pitches for our Autostraddle plus Anonymous Sex Diaries. No writing experience necessary. Email me at nico [at] autostraddle [dot] com and be sure to check the details below. Our Anonymous Sex Diaries chronicle 7 consecutive days in the sex/dating/ love life of queer adults. They're anonymous, publish behind our paywall, and we pay $250 per published diary.
Pitch Your Sex Diary
Email me at nico@autostraddle.corn with the subject line SEX DIARY PITCH.
Include: your name (chosen!), pronouns, age and your email.
A 1-3 sentence summary of what you expect might feature into a 7 day snippet of your sex life. Obviously, we can't know what will happen, but an idea of where you're at is helpful (a certain partner situation, being someone actively dating, you're about to go on a trip, you've just moved, you're trying to have a baby —whatever your situation is!).
A brief 1-3 sentence bio. Tell me about yourself!
You don't have to have experience with being published to pitch. You don't even have to be a writer!
If you want to send a writing sample, even a social media post, so I can get a sense of your voice, that will be helpful.
I'll do my best to respond to as many pitches as possible, but if you don't hear back from me in 4-6 weeks, it's a pass.
But this is an ongoing series so you can always pitch again!