Eva Sandoval, BBC Travel Specialist Editor:
I'm running BBC Travel's new column, The Specialist, and I'm now open for pitches. Here's what I'm looking for:
The SpeciaList runs destination guides from the POV of a local expert. Your pitch should include
A cool city (and why cover it now)
Your angle, relating to the city's culture (i.e., Best Pizza in NYC, but not that bc we've already done it!)
The expert you'll interview
Who is the expert? (i.e., "SpeciaList"). They're an industry authority who is compelling - why should our readers care about their opinion? But they're also someone whose POV isn't biased.
Your expert is the selling point of your pitch, so please be sure to vet them carefully. Will they have excellent insider recommendations and tell an interesting story as well?
Check out our recent articles to get a better feel for what we're looking for. If you have something that fits the bill, email me at eva dot sandoval dot freelance dot bbc dot com. I look forward to seeing your ideas!