JSMM is seeking a part-time editor and content manager to work remotely as a part-time contractor. Applicants should have 5 years of experience as an editor and content manager. Editor/Content managers project manage writers and edits and maintain creative multi-media materials across digital platforms, ad networks and websites. Their work also includes writing social media posts, eblasts and more, creating and overseeing editorial calendars, and editing for appropriateness of tone, style and subject matter.
The content manager will also edit, rewrite or create their own content including reels for some clients, and be expected to do their own writing and copy editing for written material in many cases.
The editor and content manager will also work with the team and clients to set schedules and deadlines, as well as plan themes and updates for long-term projects and situations. They help to establish standards surrounding conflict and then make sure the creative work fits this style.
The editor/content manager needs to have excellent project management and content strategy skills with writers and clients. The ability to negotiate deadlines, plan calendars and maintain deadlines is critical to the success of the content team and the agency's clients.