Pitches Wanted (Features, Narrative Reporting) | $1.50 to $2 per word

New Posted 15 November 2022 | Remote | Cosmopolitan

Elizabeth Kiefer, Features Editor of Cosmopolitan, is looking for pitches: I am seeking feature pitches for Cosmo's 2023 print issues: investigations + narrative reporting on subjects of direct relevance to young women. No personal essays. Rates $1.50-$2/word. Include "story pitch" in the subject line. Please take a peek first: https://cosmopolitan.com/long-reads/
- While you're noodling, a few examples of the kinds of pieces we publish:
- This excellent dive into the brand universe of a zillennial faith influencer & the appeal of her surrender message by Allison Theresa: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a41559535/sadie-robertson-huff/
- This truly wild scammer yarn from the impeccable Sarah Treleaven: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a40942987/sabrina-taylor-scammer/
- This sobering look at the mental healthcare crisis that makes untangling your mind from conspiracy theories almost impossible—even if you know you want out by Andrea Stanley: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a37696261/leaving-recovering-from-q-anon/
- This actually insane story about a competitive cheer squad deep fake scandal by Kelli Maria Korducki: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a37377027/deep-fake-cheer-scandal/
- And neither last nor least but one of my faves, this dig into how wellness Instagram became a crucible for extremism, by Clio Chang: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/a35056548/wellness-fitness-influencers-qanon-conspiracy-theories/

Questions / submissions: elizabeth.kiefer@hearst.com
Website: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/

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